About Me

Pembroke Pocket Garden
London, SE17 1QR, United Kingdom
Pembroke Pocket Garden is a pocket of space in the heart of Walworth for people to get together, experiment with growing and sharing food, and have creative fun along the way… The container garden is located within the grounds of the community centre Pembroke House, and is entirely what the community makes of it. The space has lots of potential, not only as a place for experimenting with ways of growing food, but also as a venue for events, exhibitions, pop up cafes, outdoor cinema, workshops and more… Pembroke Pocket Garden welcomes new folk all year around, so if you are interested in getting involved and being part of bringing this community space to life, please get in touch by contacting pembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com
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Friday, 11 November 2011


Sat 26th Nov 2011
Pembroke House, Tatum Street, Walworth
SE17 1QR

Are you interested in learning how to help your community group make decisions collectively?

If so, this is the workshop for you!

Consensus decision making is a creative and dynamic way of reaching agreement between all members of a group. Instead of simply voting for an item and having the majority of the group getting their way, a consensus group is committed to finding solutions that everyone actively supports - or at least can live with.
The workshop will be facilitated by Seeds of Change, a non-profit training and support co-op which helps people organise for action and positive social change.
To register, please click here If you are part of a local group, it would be ideal to have at least two of your members attend the workshop. This is because it is considerably easier for two people or more to feedback the learning outcomes of the workshop to their group.

The host - Pembroke Community Garden, is especially keen to have other food growing groups and local community groups participate, as it is interested in creating and strengthening local networks.
The workshop is free and will include a bring and share lunch.  So if you do register, please bring some food with you to share.

If you have any questions please emailpembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com or call 07871955394.