About Me

Pembroke Pocket Garden
London, SE17 1QR, United Kingdom
Pembroke Pocket Garden is a pocket of space in the heart of Walworth for people to get together, experiment with growing and sharing food, and have creative fun along the way… The container garden is located within the grounds of the community centre Pembroke House, and is entirely what the community makes of it. The space has lots of potential, not only as a place for experimenting with ways of growing food, but also as a venue for events, exhibitions, pop up cafes, outdoor cinema, workshops and more… Pembroke Pocket Garden welcomes new folk all year around, so if you are interested in getting involved and being part of bringing this community space to life, please get in touch by contacting pembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com
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Saturday, 22 October 2011

Inside the greenhouse and out

Some of the tomato plants are completely dying back for the winter, but they still have tomatoes ripening on them....

Some of these tomatoes have been put in the greenhouse to ripen.
Some beans and peppers have also been put in the warmth of the greenhouse in the hope that they will dry and the seeds be collected for planting next spring.
Inside the greenhouse peppers are turning a wonderful red, but outside, they are still flowering and fruiting too...
This chilli plant has vigourously flowered and fruited after the chillies it grew earlier in the year were left on the plant until they had dried in the sun. These were all harvested (for delicious and spicy meals) and the plant has done it's utmost to replace it's lost fruit and seeds.

The strawberry runners potted up and put in the greenhouse to over winter aren't looking too good.
They have now been watered, but look like they are going to need more regular attention...
Clover, our Green Manure experiment, is sprouting well, but has been dug up a bit by squirrels. A wire mesh has been placed over this container, which will hopefully protect the tiny plants.