About Me

Pembroke Pocket Garden
London, SE17 1QR, United Kingdom
Pembroke Pocket Garden is a pocket of space in the heart of Walworth for people to get together, experiment with growing and sharing food, and have creative fun along the way… The container garden is located within the grounds of the community centre Pembroke House, and is entirely what the community makes of it. The space has lots of potential, not only as a place for experimenting with ways of growing food, but also as a venue for events, exhibitions, pop up cafes, outdoor cinema, workshops and more… Pembroke Pocket Garden welcomes new folk all year around, so if you are interested in getting involved and being part of bringing this community space to life, please get in touch by contacting pembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com
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Monday, 19 September 2011

How many accountants does it take to transform a garden?

This week felt like my birthday as I was bestowed with so many presents - from a greenhouse to arches!

Here's an account (excuse the pun) of how it all happened...

 I began to hear the hum of human activity earlier than usual this Wednesday morning. By 9:30am, there were more than 20 volunteers in my midst, brandishing all sorts of tools, from electric drills to trowels. What could they be up to I wondered?

Here, take a look at David and these Ernst and Young ladies...What on earth are they scheming on together?

And what about these gentlemen? They look like they're onto something, brandishing that tape measurer and drill...

With the amount of gusto that these accounting folk threw into their work, it wasn't long before the plans began to shape up...can you guess what these hard working folk are making?

Whilst all of this work was going on outside, Pembroke House was also being transformed by a team of local volunteers into a space fit for a banquet!

Spot the home grown salad!

And here are the Pembroke House chefs and waiters who made this all possible. 

The freshly prepared meal went down well with the hungry volunteers, who devoured a menu of Walworth Salad, Thai Vegetable Curry, Biscuits and Cheese. 

After replenishing their energy stores, the volunteers soon got back to work and by 4.30 pm, I felt like I had had something of a makeover (Groundforce take note!)

Some of the hard working volunteers left with reluctance (despite working overtime!) as they didn't like to leave any work unfinished. On the other hand I was impressed with all that they had achieved in such a short space of time!

What with my new arches, greenhouse, vertical growing spaces and shelter, I can barely recognise my former myself (see below).

Since Wednesday I have been hearing rumours on the (soon to be home grown) grapevine, that some of the Ernst and Young crew would like to come back and complete the project. I am so very touched by their level of dedication. However since they have been gone, the local communtiy have been continuing to work on me, so the project is nearly complete...

Check out our finished greenhouse, which was kindly completed by the Pembroke House manager Aydin, and residential volunteer Thom.

And Adam and Laura from the Volunteer Centre also gave their spare time to help finish painting the vertical growing spaces. Don't they look great? And they will look even better when overflowing with edible delights too!

Hopefully the shelter will be complete soon... Adam from the volunteer centre is giving more of his spare time tomorrow to help with this so I will update you with news on that front soon!

So a huge thank you to everybody who helped with these most recent transformations...I feel very lucky to have had such an enthusiastic and practical bunch of folk working on me! And if you would like to help out again, please don't hesitate to contact me on pembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com. As a living thing, a garden is never finished...