About Me

Pembroke Pocket Garden
London, SE17 1QR, United Kingdom
Pembroke Pocket Garden is a pocket of space in the heart of Walworth for people to get together, experiment with growing and sharing food, and have creative fun along the way… The container garden is located within the grounds of the community centre Pembroke House, and is entirely what the community makes of it. The space has lots of potential, not only as a place for experimenting with ways of growing food, but also as a venue for events, exhibitions, pop up cafes, outdoor cinema, workshops and more… Pembroke Pocket Garden welcomes new folk all year around, so if you are interested in getting involved and being part of bringing this community space to life, please get in touch by contacting pembrokecommunitygarden@gmail.com
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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Spring continues...

Saturday, 21 April 2012

April shower power

Old greenhouse panels and gaffer tape became a new cold frame in 10 minutes

The clover sown as green manures is flowering a gorgeous deep red

The apples trees are blossoming

The rhubarb leaves are looking a bit yellow. Does this mean they need nitrogen?

French bean seedlings planted out last week have not survived. Too cold? Too windy?

Raspberry and blackcurrant plants are too close together for the long term but are looking well for now

Dont know what to do with Angelica but its flourishing in the April showers

Trying to let the grass seed grow in the bare patches. Doesnt stop the foxes crapping everywhere!

There are just a few nettles around the place so we may as well try making a liquid plant feed. Just chopped and bruised nettles plus rain water in a dark place.


14th April.
Saturday morning sessions are well under way. 

Irrigation and retaining water in the containers is a big theme for us this year, especially given the hose pipe ban. We are experimenting with creating a shallow well at the bottom made with upside down plastic trays, a layer of material to soak up the water and hollow tubes so we can water straight to the bottom of the containers, nearer the plant roots.

We are also trying sunken plastic bottles with holes to get the water further down. It may mean the top forms a deceptive dry crust, but the plants should flourish.

We are stacking the boxes higher this year for a cascade of different plants.

Can you spot the gorgeous brown moth?


Another beast we disturbed today